Sunday, December 12, 2010


 Last night was a pasta night. I made something a little more unique than regular spaghetti, I'm not even sure what to call it. In my house we just call it broccoli sausage pasta. 

  • Penne pasta
  • Frozen broccoli florets
  • Smoked turkey sausage
  • Homemade marinara sauce
For the marinara, I mince a Maui onion and a head of garlic and sautee them in a pan with some olive oil until they are translucent. The reason for this is that the garlic can be a little spicy, in a bad way,  if you don't cook it long enough. After that, I add some tomato puree and let it simmer for at least 20-30 minutes.


Sauce ingredients
Garlic, onion, and olive oil

This particular night, I added some grated parmesan cheese to the sauce just to make it even better :) 

To make the pasta part of the dish, I boil some penne pasta for about 10 minutes, and about 8 minutes in I add the broccoli just to let it thaw and mix in well with the pasta before draining. I also thinly slice the sausage and when the pasta/broccoli are done, I drain and return the mixture to the same pan along with the sausage. After that I mix everything together with the sauce and add some cheese on top, and it's delicious :)

Pasta mixture ingredients

All mixed together

My bowl

And there you have it, unique delicious pasta.

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